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Monday, October 21, 2013

Acai Berry - Perfect Food For Weight Loss

Acai berries are the perfect food. In fact, eating acai berries seems to bring nothing but benefits, without any negative side effects. What are these berries anyway, and why are they so perfect for us? Well, these berries are dark purple berries found in the Amazon forests. They are smaller than grapes but look similar with their round shape. They come from the acai palm, and this fruit is prized for its juice and pulp because research has found that these two forms are the ones best absorbed by the body.

Acai berries have ten times more antioxidants than red grapes. It has double the antioxidants of blueberries, which until recently has been touted as the fruit with the most number of antioxidants--until the acai berry was discovered. It also has up to thirty times more anthocyanins than red wine. This is because it absorb more antioxidants that most fruits. The fact that these berries are full of antioxidants means that it is capable of protecting us against cancer and heart diseases. It also prevents the effects of aging. Not only is this berry great for our health but for our appearance too.

This superfruit really helps in removing the toxins from our body, making our digestive system more efficient. It also helps flush out all the waste and fat that has been stored in our body for a long time. The acai berry is really effective in giving our bodies and energy boost as well as speeding up the weight loss process. I cannot think of a more perfect food than the this. And to top it all off, it's a delicious fruit. Most people describe the taste as a combination of chocolate and wine. Some describe it as a combination of chocolate and coffee.

More and more people are discovering why this unassuming fruit is the perfect food for them. Discover what the acai berry can do for you. The berry is widely available in health food stores as well as online. It is preferable to buy it online because most retailers provide free samples of their products.

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